Greeting cards make your day even more special. What else do you need to make any day extraordinary? That too a hand made card is the best. In a single click wishes can be sent online. But traditional cards offer you more. Just a few card stocks and colors make a wonderful unique card for each and every occasion. Thoughts and emotions when penned down on a card makes the receiver be in cloud nine. We watch now and then videos of Jennifer Mcguire. She is a pro. Her videos are awesome and give the audience lots of ideas. We watched her shaker cards and were hooked with that idea. The surprise shaking sound makes it fun and special. Teachers loved these handmade cards. We tried it towards the end of school when we needed thank you cards for teachers.Though some of the tools like punches, dies, cutting and stamping tools are needed, sometimes you can create some cards with what you have. With the few stamps we had we tried these cards. We did these cards as a team making memories and sharing a good quality time.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Friday, April 12, 2019
Its been a while since I posted here. Learning keeps you busy :-)
I wanted to share a couple of rangolis which I did few backs in my friends home (Thanks to The Kulkarni's for letting me enjoy with my art). Doing these made me feel so happy and relaxed. Rangoli is an art with intricate patterns beautified with colors. It gives you immense pleasure and a positive attitude as it helps your brain (yeah,...... mathematical improvement:-)).
Here are the two rangolis:
I wanted to share a couple of rangolis which I did few backs in my friends home (Thanks to The Kulkarni's for letting me enjoy with my art). Doing these made me feel so happy and relaxed. Rangoli is an art with intricate patterns beautified with colors. It gives you immense pleasure and a positive attitude as it helps your brain (yeah,...... mathematical improvement:-)).
Here are the two rangolis:
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