
Monday, September 14, 2015

Quilled 3D Krishna

Krishna, the butter thief is loved by everyone. Here is a 3-D quilled Krishna enjoying his pot full of butter

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Quilled Cards

September 5th is celebrated as Teacher's Day in India to honor Dr. Radhakrishnan's birthday! Here are special cards, my kids  made for teacher's day with a little help.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Repainting Heirloom Clay Dolls!

Bring back the old clay dolls which belonged to your grand mother or mom to life. All you need is some paint, brushes and some time. I am sure you will have a super quality time doing this. I did this last year. I repainted mu maternal grand mothers doll and my MIL's. They are as good as new. I kept in the navaratri golu display. The dolls got everybody's attention. Try this if you have a few dolls with you. It's really worth. Every time you see them, you will enjoy the time you spent, hearing everybody's comments cherishing your family memoirs. 

My blog is one year old from my first post. My blog turns one! and hence this special post. Also, tomorrow is Lord Krishna's birthday and in a couple of weeks, we will be celebrating navaratri golu. So think about bringing your old dolls back to life.

This Andal clay doll is almost 80 years old. It is my grandma's.

After repainting, the doll has a new look with old charm.

This Krishna is almost 30 yrs. After repainting the doll looks like this: